Sunday 29 August 2010

The journey seemed to go on for ages; we were all very hot and could barely breathe. I felt exhausted and decided there was nothing I could do. We all sat there huddled together not knowing what to do, all of a sudden it dawned on us, we had to stick together. "I'm Bunty" I said...."Agnes, hello"....."Ginger, pleased to meet you"..."and I'm Sunshine Sally, how do you do?"

Saturday 28 August 2010

The beginning....

Hello it's me again Bunty.
Here's how our story began. The doors flew open and the sun was very bright. Before I could take in the bright light I was hurtled into a small room with three other faces, just like mine! I said hello but didn't get much of a response. There wasn't much room and I was starting to feel a bit hot and bothered. I didn't know what was happening and wanted answers so I started shouting. I carried on shouting but I don't think anyone was listening. I tried to talk to the other faces to see if they knew what was going on but they didn't seem to take any notice of me either, so I carried on shouting.......

Friday 27 August 2010

Hello, my name is Bunty. I am a rescued battery hen from Cornwall originally. I was rescued by the Battery Hen Welfare Trust before being adopted by my mum Sarah in 2007 with my three sisters Agnes, Ginger and Sunshine Sally. Sadly my sisters have since died and I am the only one left.

I would like to tell you our story so watch this space for further updates!

Love from Bunty x